Splash Screen Image

Splash Screen Image


Graphic Designer.
Systems Mage.
Bass(er) Lord.
Detroit City FC Owner.
Detroit City FC Supporter.

Research. Concept. Ideation. Repeat!

A life of painting, illustration, sculpture and music led me into the creative industry. With a passion in story telling and visual communication systems, I apply my creative process through design. As goes for me as a person, I am a connoisseur of old-school hip-hop, synthesizers, bass and sushi.

You may be asking yourself: What is an extraCrilspy? If you come across that account name in the gaming world, beware and bring your A-game. Godspeed.

Detroit City Til I Die.

All (most) problems can be solved with design process. I apply the following principles to my creative process:


Explore all outcomes. Well researched problems lead to stronger designs. Wrong thinking may be correct thinking.


Concept defines creative methods. A clear concept leads to clear design. Concept is key.


Create, create, create. Proper research and concept exist as a backbone to ideas.


Apply ideation and gather results. Repeat the process for powerful and meaningful design.